Powerful tips to spend less time on social media – must know

Nowadays many social media are popular and people are spending more time than usual on social media believe me giving too much time to these platforms is not good.

Today we are going to share some powerful tips that help you to spend less time on these platforms.

powerful tips to spend less time on social media

Social Media are customized with help of artificial intelligence due to this they track your every behavior and recommend content, Videos, and posts you like.

Artificial Intelligence is very smart and they show the targeting ads to the user. They want to keep you online to show their ads.

Due to this activity, you spent more time on social media, and keep scrolling this habit will badly affect your mind and health. Try these tips to spend less time on social media.


  • Hide the Application.
  • Trun off Notifications.
  • keep your Mobile on Other place.
  • Try to open App for a fix time.
  • Uninstall the app and use website.

Hide Application with help of App Hider.

To reduce the time on social Media this is the best method if you not want to un install the application or Application is important for you.

Every Smartphone come with inbuilt App hider no need to download any third party. There is no need to uninstall the application.

Turn off app notifications.

This also reduces the use time of your social media because turning an app notification doesn’t allow it to appear in the notifications bar.

While turning it off you should also turn off the notifications sound and remove unnecessary permission because it tracks and gives posts or ads to that topic so be careful.

Keep your mobile in other places.

keeping your mobile in other places like on the table before going to sleep is also a good idea and it helps to reduce the time.

After waking up don’t use your mobile and make a habit of this and you will see the improvement.

Use Application to fix the time.

Don’t use social media too much always fix a time to use it consuming too much content is also diverse our mind.

Always use social media for a certain time and make a habit of this and regularly don’t take too much interest in social media always avoid it.

Uninstall the Application and use website.

Uninstall social media from your device is a great option for you because if you see the application you may click on it and spend more time uninstall it.

In case of an emergency, you can use the official site of social media do not install the application on your phone.

we hope these tips are really working for you.

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